
Monday, January 12, 2009

tagged and award

2 kate-kate kepoh
from kak anabella

1.Berapakah umur anda pada tahun ini?
- genap 15teen 13july 2009

2.Berikan 4 azam pada tahun ini
- get straight 9A's
-jadi budak baek(kunun je)
-jadi budak kerek skit
-anak baek

3.Apakah yg anda lakukan ketika mlm countdown?
-terlentang atas katil

4.4 kenangan manis ketika tahun 2008:

5.4 people to tag:
-kak siti
-cik ara

from kak aianna

The last person to tag you is.

Your 5 impressions toward her..
-budak perempuan
-love korea(aya betul ke??)
-like pink n black color
-sudah berpunye

The most memorable thing she had done for you
tag aje..

If she becomes your lover, you will
im not lesbian ok

If she becomes your enemy, you will
no way la jd musuh.kenal kat myspace je

If she becomes my lover, she needs to improve on.

If she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
bape kali aku nak ckp die x kan jd musuh aku

How do you think people around you feel about you.
budak kerek!!ha ha ha

The character about yourself is..

The most ideal person you want to be is..
entah..x tau

For person who cares or likes you, say something for them..
aku syg kaw gile gaban!!!

10 people to tag..

1-kak mimie kusya
2-kak GG
3-kak anabella
9-kak siti
10-kak lin

Who is number 2 having relationship with?
kite kwn kat blog aje kan kak :D

Is number 3 a male or female?.
aiya buta kah..name die anabella.female la

Is number 7 and 10 together would be a good thing?
kakak-kakak gitu...

bout number 5 and 8?
budak due org 2 kwn baek seyh.couple kot.maybe la

What is number 1 studying?
study kat UTHM Batu Pahat

When was the last time you chat with them?
x de mase nak chat
so busy

Is number 4 single..
dah dicop la

Talk something bout number 2..
bachelor admin science



thank u kak dill.tapi nak mintak maap tak boleh buat tag dah.tulang2 nie dh nak etak dh nie.heheheh :D